
How to get a promotion at work

Posted on August 18, 2019 at 1:32 pm

When working for a company there may come a time when you fancy a change or that you feel you need to be more challenged. Rather than looking for a new employer you may wish to explore internal vacancies and see if there is a possibility of a promotion. Even if you are already working for the company you will most likely still need to apply for the job the same as outside candidates need to. You will also often need to attend an interview often with the business owner or the manager that will be running that department. Many companies advertise jobs internal prior to advertising to the public so if you are looking to move up the ladder within the business, then this could be a great opportunity and mean that you are in competition with a lot less people.

You should consider if you have all the experience and qualifications that they are asking for. If you don’t then this doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot apply, just that you will have to prove why you still think you would be able to do the job. If you have proven yourself in your current position and have shown to be a hard and reliable worker then this will help strengthen your application.

Posted in Jobs